Friday, December 4, 2020
The Watermelon
Thursday, November 26, 2020
General Knowledge That Will Blow Your Mind!
Since last week in Te Ngahere we have been doing something called General Knowledge. We had to choose a country and answer some questions about that country. We used google maps and google earth to look for pictures and to answer some questions. The country I choose was Italy and I did it because I like there houses. I haven't finished yet but I think it will be incredible by the end.
Have you ever tried to do something that is related to a different country?
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
100 Word Story Number Three (Thinking Time)
This is my third 100 word story. It was inspired by this picture. ( LINK to, where I got my picture from)
Thinking Time
One day a stick figure went for a jog, he saw a comfy bench while he was jogging and sat down on it because he was extremely tired. He got a phone call from his father about his mother that’s very, very ill & about to die!
He ran as fast as a speedy cheetah straight to his parents house to see his mother. He got there & caught his mothers last words, “I love you with all my heart” his mother whispered in his ear, she died straight after that. Both him, his father had tears pouring out of his eyes...
Thursday, November 12, 2020
100 Words Story Number Two
This is my second 100 word story. It was inspired by this picture. ( LINK to, where I got my picture from)
The Start Of A Journey
One day a mother turtle came along to lay its gorgeous egg at shore, a long way from the ocean so she could hide the egg…
60 days later the egg hatched & a teeny baby turtle came out of it, it’s so small it’s as tiny as an ant. It hopped out of its egg & started to use its adorable flippers to get to the glistening ocean.
It has to go a long way because it's decidedly a long way away from shore. Finally it makes it & hops in the ocean & lives an incredible life with her lovely new friends.
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
100 Word Story Number One
This is my first 100 word story. It was inspired by this picture. ( LINK to, where I got my picture from)
The Ghostly Shadow
She was about to leave when she sees a shadow moving slowly & carefully towards her after she sees a bit of it...
She doesn’t know what it was & the curiosity’s killing her. She wants to manoeuvre closer, she’s terrified of what it would do.
She tried to touch it but it manoeuvred before she could even reach out. She tried again but this time she face planted onto the inflexible concrete, then it disappeared so she decided to leave because there was no hope of it coming back that night. She kept coming back day after day until one day...
Thursday, November 5, 2020
T - Shaped Analysis I Absolutely LOVE
Last week in Te Ngahere we were doing a T - Shaped about Analysis. There were six texts we got to choose from but we had to choose one among those ones. The text called The Ship was compulsory to analyze. I chose Bilbo Baggins and The Winter. For each text we had to identify figurative language and language features. Figurative language is metaphors, personification, similes etc... Language features are adverbs, verbs, adjectives etc.... My favourite part was everything altogether because I really enjoyed the analysing part of this T - Shaped as you might already know by the title of this blog post.
Have you ever learnt figurative language and/or language features before?
Here is a LINK to my work LINK!
Sharing My Time Playing T - Ball
Last week on Wednesday and yesterday a women named Kasey came in to teach us how to play T - Ball. we went in two groups because the year seven and eights were doing Soft Ball and the year six and fives were doing T -Ball. We had to split into two groups and one team are the batters and the other team are the fielders. There are three bases and a home base. The easy parts were hitting the ball and running from base to base. The hard part was actually catching the ball and putting it on the base before the batters got there. You get out by not being able to get a home run when you’re the batters.
Do you think that T - Ball / Softball will be a popular sport in a couple
Thursday, October 29, 2020
Sharing my Knowledge on Te Huarere (Weather)
For the past couple of weeks we have been making a weather report in Te Reo Maori. We were learning this to pronounce Te Reo Maori properly. In this task we had to be in pairs, my buddy was Ayanda. Out success criteria was that we had to have the weather for at least six places, include a map written in Te Reo Maori, use symbols to represent the weather. Also the Te Reo Maori has to be has to be spoken, a welcome and a goodbye. The easiest part was saying the weather in Te Reo Maori and the hardest part was writing the weather and places in Te Reo Maori.
Have you ever had to say the weather in Te Reo Maori in front of an audience before?
Thursday, October 22, 2020
My Time Playing Cricket
Yesterday half of Te Ngahere went to go and play cricket with a guy called Neil while the other half of Te Ngahere was inside doing Te Reo, we swapped over after about 35 minutes. We did a drill first and then we played Speed Cricket. We played Speed Cricket by splitting the group in half so that one half are the batters which hit the ball with their bat. The other half are the fielders which are trying to catch the ball when the batters hit it. You start with three bats and as you go along there's going to be one taken out by not hitting the ball when you’re the batter. When the fielders catch the ball you have to put a bat down, once the three bats are down you swap over. I think the best part was when we actually played speed cricket. The easy part was standing in line and the hard part was trying to hit the ball with the bat when it came flying at you. Neil taught us how to hold a bat, how to stand when you hit the ball and what to do. You hold the bat by putting both your hands on the handle while your thumb and index finger on both hands make a v. You stand on your side while your front foot is pointing to where you want it to go.
Have you ever played cricket before?
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
T - Shaped I Absolutely LOVE!
For the past two weeks we have been learning language features by using T - Shaped Literacy. T - Shaped Literacy is when you have a variety of stories you have to read with some questions around the story. This weeks t - shape is about adverbs and we had to find the adverb and write a sentence with it for what mood is created for us while reading the story. I’m almost finished and I think it’s a good thing. My favourite part was when we had to find the adverbs because I thought it was challenging and it would be really difficult to find them. The easy part was when we had to write the adverbs on our T - Shaped. The hard part was choosing the mood.
We have to learn what the adverb is to be able to find the adverbs in the story. Do you know what an adverb is?
LINK to T - Shaped Literacy
Friday, October 16, 2020
Going to Ayanda's House
For the past two weeks this is what's been happening... I went to my friends Ayanda's house for a sleepover. The first thing we did was drop of my clothes, then we went to the shop and we brought lollies and chips for us to eat while I was staying there. We went back to their house and went on their trampoline. After a little bit we decided to go to the Lily Pond, we jumped off the rocks and swam for a couple of hours. After Lily Pond we went back home and went back on the trampoline. Then we went into her room and went on her chromebook. We were in there for about an hour then we went back on the trampoline. After a little while we decided to play with Ayanda’s little sister, we played a game called go home, stay home and hide and seek. I really enjoyed the holidays and spending time with Ayanda.
Have you ever been to the Lily Pond before?
Thursday, October 15, 2020
My Alright Holidays
For the past two weeks this is what's been happening... I went to one of my Mums friends house Laura, and she invited some of her other friends, they talked and talked about some things, probably mum life because they’re all mums. I didn’t really enjoy it because I had to look after all the little kids, the hardest one to look after was my baby sister Sage because she kept running down the driveway and everywhere else around the house. A couple days later we went to this place called Lily Pond, it’s a place where we can swim and if you’re a really confident swimmer you can jump off the rocks. I think it’s really fun to jump off the rocks because to me it keeps me warm so I can stay in the water longer. We went there a couple times in the holidays. Another day in the holidays I was allowed to invite a friend over for a sleepover so I asked my friend Ayanda and she said yes!!! My sister Kova went to go and stay with her friend Molly. It was really fun because the day Ayanda was leaving Molly came over to stay the night at our house. We went to Lily Pond with them before Ayanda left. My family from my Dad’s side came to the Lily Pond as well, so that made it even more fun this is also my favourite part of my holidays.
What was your favourite part of the holidays?
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Mahi Toi That Will Blow Your Mind!!!
This week in Te Ngahere we started a new type of art for calendar art. In this art our focus was to draw continuous lines, draw curves, rule straight lines, select colours for effect and blend colours. We had to start with a practice sheet but then we moved onto our real sheet. We had to practice our actual design and our blending. For me the easy part is ruling the lines and the hard part was tracing over the curved bit in this art.
Do you know what Mahi Toi means in english?
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Our Mind Blowing Experience With The Wonder Project And The Launches
For the past eight weeks we have been working with a pair of experts from The Wonder Project. The Wonder Project is a group of people that come to schools and teach them about bottle rockets and help launch the rockets. Troy and Gustavo were the people who taught us about rockets, Troy is a Rainwater Engineer and Gustavo is an Pomologist. A Rainwater Engineer works with Rainwater; and a Pomologist works with plants, did you know Gustavo created the red kiwifruit. We learnt different things about bottle rockets, such as: Newton's Three Laws of Motion and the three forces such as thrust, weight and drag. When we did our final launch all together my group and I thought it would be the best rocket but it wasn’t. One of the groups rocket went 79.4 meters.
Have you ever launched a bottle rocket before?
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Check out this Incredible Te Reo Maori!!!
Since last week in Te Ngahere we have been learning the weather in Te Reo Maori. One of the words we learnt was uira which means lightning. We learnt new words, some of them were hard and some of them were easy. The easy part was learning the easier words in Te Reo Maori such as ua which means rain, because I had already learnt it before and I could remember it really well. The hard part was learning the harder words in Te Reo Maori words such as huripari which is tornado, this one was harder because I couldn’t remember it at all but after a little bit it was way easier.
Do you know any Te Reo Maori?
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Do you Know How to Play Ki O’Rahi
In Te Ngahere we were learning how to play Ki O’Rahi. If you don’t know how to play Ki O’rahi there are two teams; Taniwha and Keoma. Taniwha is trying to hit the big pou in the middle and there are two Keoma trying to defend the big pou in the middle, there are also little pou that Taniwha are trying to get. You have to hit at least three little pou to be allowed to throw it at the big pou in the middle. The fun part was playing and the boring part was learning all the rules because you have to remember them all.
Have you ever played Ki O’Rahi before?
Thursday, September 10, 2020
My Most Amazing Creativity To Share T - Shape
Last week in Te Ngahere we did a T - Shape about show not tell. If you don’t know what T - Shape is, it’s a reading template to understand work from and there’s texts you have to answer questions to so it’s basically reading and writing put together. I really enjoyed doing this T - Shape and I think it might be my favourite T - Shape. Show not tell means when they showed what they did and not to telling the people what they did, show not tell also means inferencing.
There were three texts called Three Bears, Battle and Match Report, there was also five questions we had to answer per story as well as a little bit at the bottom that asked Which text created the most powerful feelings and images, explain why. The easy part was reading the stories and the hard part was answering the questions.
Have you ever learnt about show not tell before?
Thursday, September 3, 2020
My New and Improved Math DLO about Equivalent Fractions
This week in my maths group we have been making maths DLOs, I did my maths DLO with Grace. We had done separate screencastifys but we said the same thing. We were learning to do equivalent fractions, equivalent fractions are when there’s a fraction and you can change the numbers but it would equal the same fraction. You would change the numbers by multiplying and dividing the numerator and the dinomentater by the same number. We solve equivalent fractions by figuring out what number we have to divide or multiply the numerator and denominator by. We were doing the maths DLOs to show our learning on equivalent fractions. The easy part was multiplying and dividing the numbers and the hard bit was to know what to multiply or divide it by.
Do you know how to do equivalent fractions?
Thursday, August 27, 2020
The Extremely Fun Kawa of Care
For the past couple of weeks we have been re - learning the Kawa of Care and making a poster, animation, powtoon or a comic to tell other people about the Kawa of Care, I chose to do a poster. The Kawa of Car are the rules for your chromebook so it won’t be broken or that no one will be able to get in your account, it is really important to use the Kawa of Care. One of the rules is don’t eat food or drink by your chromebook because the water and food will get in the keys and make them not work anymore. The easy part was writing the Kawa of Care facts that I had chosen and the hard bit was to choose the background for the poster. I learnt that you have to use the Kawa of Care so your chromebook will never end up broken or having something bad happen to it. Have you used the Kawa of Care before?
Thursday, August 20, 2020
The Extremely Fun Wonder Project
For the past couple of weeks in Te Ngahere there's been two people coming in to explain what the Wonder Project is. Their names are Troy and Gustavo, Gustavo is an pomology and Troy is an rainwater engineer. The Wonder Project is when you learn about rockets and you also launch rockets in the process. We have been learning the safety rules of launching a rocket and what you’re supposed to do when you launch a rocket. One of the safety rules is that when you launch you don’t run, you walk, another one is that you have to be wearing your vest, eye protection and a helmet. The rocket is going to be made by two 1.5 liter bottles, cardboard and some decorations so it’s different from the others and you don’t get mixed up with the the other people Have you ever launched a water rocket before?
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Our Incredible Movie Making
For the past two weeks in Te Ngahere we have been making three minute movies, because soon there is a film festival at the Cathay Cinema and our school has been asked to make some movies for us to share with some other schools. I’m in a group with Ayanda, Ebony, Fern, Grace and myself. We have almost finished our script, but we have got all the locations and the other things you need already done. This week we are filming the actual three minute movie. The part that made me think hard was when we had to choose the camera angles for each part and I still think we could improve it as well by using different camera angles every scene. In this I think I learnt how to use the camera angles in the right parts of the movie. Have you ever filmed a three minute movie before?
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
Our Incredible Mosaic Art
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Our Incredible Te Reo Māori
This term in Te Ngahere we have been learning how to read in Te Reo Māori. We are learning to use the correct pronunciation of Te Reo Māori by reading a pukapuka (book) in Te Reo Māori called Ngā Mahi Pārekareka Kei Te Marae (Fun At The Marae ). After we learn how to read it by ourselves without any help we go and read it to the younger tamariki (children). We will also read the english version after the Te Reo Māori version. We are doing this so we can learn more Te Reo Māori and learn how to speak Te Reo Māori. Do you know any Te Reo Māori words? Here is a LINK and photo of the title to the pukapuka (book).
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Our Amazing Matariki Feathers
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Our Amazing Matariki Week
Friday, June 26, 2020
Our Amazing Pou Pou Art
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Our Amazing Math Eyes With M&M’s
Thursday, June 4, 2020
Incredible Percentages, Decimals & Fractions
Friday, May 22, 2020
Our Amazing Trick Shot
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Our Incredible Math Eyes
Friday, May 15, 2020
My Incredible Shapegram Art American Hot Dog
This weeks art was shapgram art. Shapegram art is when you can only use shapes to make something. The type of things we had to make was food. I did an American Hot Dog because i thought it would be fun. I had my mum help me and it worked. I think mine looks really good and I still can’t believe how I’m doing any of this art. Have you ever done shapegram art before?
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Mine and my Sisters Amazing Volcano study
Monday, May 11, 2020
Whole School Virtual Assembly
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
My Amazing Present to my Grandma
My Incredible Work on Area & Perimeter
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
My Poems at Home
My Incredible Certificates
Monday, May 4, 2020
My Amazing Maths
Last week ago we I did some maths for school. My math task was using jumping number line. It was really fun and a bit hard which I enjoy because I like hard things. AlI you do is do a straight line with numbers, just kidding but... you will be able to find out when you click the link on my slide and it gives an example and instructions of how to do it. I hope you enjoy learning it. Have you ever used jumping the number line?
Our Amazing Vector Portraits
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Our Outstanding Vector Drawings
This week our art was doing vector drawings on animals. My animal is a panda. It’s really cool and we only needed to use a image and google drawing. It’s a long process and it’s really cool but hard work. I clicked ctrl z (ctrl z is undo if you didn’t know) 100,000,000 times. That’s a lot just to get one piece of artwork. To be honest I didn’t think I would be able to do it without any help but I did. Also I don’t think I can do it on paper. I still like admiring it and it’s really cool to look at it and to say that I did it, because everyone knows in my family that I hate art , but this I did enjoy they thought I didn’t do it and I just copied and pasted it onto my google drawing but I didn’t because I actually did it. They were so surprised of what I did but they loved it. Have you ever done vector art before?
Thursday, April 23, 2020
The Incredible ANZAC DAY
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Making Awesome ANZAC Poppies
This week we have been working on ANZAC. Today we made ANZAC poppies. It was really fun to do and that we had everything at home. We use a green pipe cleaner, some red paper, scissors, ruler, glue and a pencil. The first step was to measure ten by ten paper. The second step is to fold it in quarters. The third step is to fold it once diagonal. After the third step you draw a circle thing on one of the conners. The next step is to cut it out. Then you use the side where it has the circle thing and you do that whole process twice. After you do that you get them both and stick them together so they look the same. Then you fold it in half and cut a little line at the bottom and you do the same when you fold it the other way. After you do that you put the green pipe cleaner through and tie a little knot at the top. After that seal the bottom with glue. After that dries you’re done. Have you done it before? If you haven't, do it and tell me what you thought of it?
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Our Creative Amazing Self Portraits
Last week we did some self portraits on our chromebooks because of the long distance thing, so one of our teachers made a slideshow of how to do it and it was really fun. I’m not very keen with art but it was fun and we did it. Now i’m doing a blog post about how we did it and how fun it was. The first step is to go to your drive and go to new and go down to the bottom where it says more and then go to google drawing which is the second one. After That you go to the untitled drawing and click it and then it will be highlighted and you call it your name Self Portrait for example for me it was Yazmin Self Portrait. Then after you do that you go to insert and then go to image and then go to camera and take a photo. After you get a good photo of your approval you go to scribble that you will find when we click on the image we just took and you outline your eyes, your mouth, nose, your head and your neck nd you also have to add detail to your hair. After you do that you delete your photo. The last step is to click on the checked looking background thing (you have to do double finger, double click) and then go to background, after you do that you can play around with the backgrounds and after that you're completely done. Have you done this before? If not try it and when your done answer this question. Did you enjoy doing it?