
Friday, February 28, 2020

Blog Profile

On Monday we started our Blog Profile. We did heaps of things and we had to write a lot about ourselves. We had to write a whole lot of different things like all the things that we knew about us. If your wondering what a Blog Profile is it’s when there’s a lot of information about you on your blog.   So you have to write stuff like your family, your pepeha and a lot more as well.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

T Shaped Empathy

At the start of the week we have been doing T shaped Empathy. We had been learning about empathy. Empathy means being nice to other people and being kind and helping people. Say like someone was being mean to your friend and you went to stand up for them and help them. If you don’t know what we do in T shaped, it’s when you have a variety of books to read, and we have to answer questions about the story We have to do the same thing for each of the books. We were in our reading groups, my group is Breeze, Jade.O and Mark.O. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Turbo Touch

On Friday, week one we learnt how to play Turbo Touch with Whaea Shanna. That is our newest teacher for this year, until Whaea Becks gets back from her holiday. We got ourselves into groups of five or six. We had to play against a different  group. (There was big groups and small groups.) First we had to learn all the rules and then we watched a video to see the different kinds of strategies that we could do. The rules of the game is that you have to hold the ball for two seconds or  you have to be two meters away. If you get a penalty, you have to do two passes before you can get a touch. You can pass the ball forwards, backwards and you can also go sideways but you can’t kick the ball. Another rule is that you have to touch someone with both of your hands and then they have to stop and hand it over to another person in your group. After you have gotten touched two times (it could be the same person or not) you have to hand it over to the other group. You have to tap the ball to start a game and if someone has touched you with two hands.  When you drop the ball on the grass they have to hand it over (only if that group has drop it twice in arrow otherwise you get to tap the ball and passes it to someone in your group) My group was Imogen, Jade O, Jade R, jorjah, Autumn and Grace. I loved learning how to play Turbo Touch and I bet everyone else did as well.