
Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Mahi Toi That Will Blow Your Mind!!!

This week in Te Ngahere we started a new type of art for calendar art. In this art our focus was to draw continuous lines, draw curves, rule straight lines, select colours for effect and blend colours. We had to start with a practice sheet but then we moved onto our real sheet. We had to practice our actual design and our blending. For me the easy part is ruling the lines and the hard part was tracing over the curved bit in this art.

Do you know what Mahi Toi means in english?

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Our Mind Blowing Experience With The Wonder Project And The Launches

For the past eight weeks we have been working with a pair of experts from The Wonder Project. The Wonder Project is a group of people that come to schools and teach them about bottle rockets and help launch the rockets. Troy and Gustavo were the people who taught us about rockets, Troy is a Rainwater Engineer and Gustavo is an Pomologist. A Rainwater Engineer works with Rainwater; and a Pomologist works with plants, did you know Gustavo created the red kiwifruit. We learnt different things about bottle rockets, such as: Newton's  Three Laws of Motion and the three forces such as thrust, weight and drag. When we did our final launch all together my group and I thought it would be the best rocket but it wasn’t. One of the groups rocket went 79.4 meters. 

Have you ever launched a bottle rocket before?


Thursday, September 17, 2020

Check out this Incredible Te Reo Maori!!!

Since last week in Te Ngahere we have been learning the weather in Te Reo Maori. One of the words we learnt was uira which means lightning. We learnt new words, some of them were hard and some of them were easy. The easy part was learning the easier words in Te Reo Maori such as ua which means rain, because I had already learnt it before and I could remember it really well. The hard part was learning the harder words in Te Reo Maori words such as huripari which is tornado, this one was harder because I couldn’t remember it at all but after a little bit it was way easier.

Do you know any Te Reo Maori?


Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Do you Know How to Play Ki O’Rahi

In Te Ngahere we were learning how to play Ki O’Rahi. If you don’t know how to play Ki O’rahi there are two teams; Taniwha and Keoma. Taniwha is trying to hit the big pou in the middle and there are two Keoma trying to defend the big pou in the middle, there are also little pou that Taniwha are trying to get. You have to hit at least three little pou to be allowed to throw it at the big pou in the middle. The fun part was playing and the boring part was learning all the rules because you have to remember them all.

Have you ever played Ki O’Rahi before?


Thursday, September 10, 2020

My Most Amazing Creativity To Share T - Shape

Last week in Te Ngahere we did a T - Shape about show not tell. If you don’t know what T - Shape is, it’s a reading template to understand work from and  there’s texts you have to answer questions to so it’s basically reading and writing put together. I really enjoyed doing this T - Shape and I think it might be my favourite T - Shape. Show not tell means when they showed what they did and not to telling the people  what they did, show not tell also means inferencing. 

There were three texts called Three Bears, Battle and Match Report, there was also five questions we had to answer per story as well as a little bit at the bottom that asked Which text created the most powerful feelings and images, explain why. The easy part was reading the stories and the hard part was answering the questions.

Have you ever learnt about show not tell before?


Thursday, September 3, 2020

My New and Improved Math DLO about Equivalent Fractions

This week in my maths group we have been making maths DLOs, I did my maths DLO with Grace. We had done separate screencastifys but we said the same thing. We were learning to do equivalent fractions, equivalent fractions are when there’s a fraction and you can change the numbers but it would equal the same fraction. You would change the numbers by multiplying and dividing the numerator and the dinomentater by the same number. We solve equivalent fractions by figuring out what number we have to divide or multiply the numerator and denominator by. We were doing the maths DLOs to show our learning on equivalent fractions. The easy part was multiplying and dividing the numbers and the hard bit was to know what to multiply or divide it by. 

Do you know how to do equivalent fractions?